C-MORE Science Kits:
Marine Mystery
Contact Information
Grades 3-8
Students learn about the causes of coral reef destruction by assuming various character roles in this marine murder-mystery. As they determine who killed Seymour Coral, students learn the basics of DNA testing. Suspects include global warming, sedimentation, and other threats facing coral reefs today.
This activity is designed for 15 students, but can be modified for 12-24 students. A narrated PowerPoint that provides background information on coral reefs can be shared in advance in a separate lesson. The total class time for the PowerPoint, skit, and pre- and post-surveys is about 100 minutes.
Lesson Materials
By clicking any of the links to download the lesson materials, you acknowledge that C-MORE educational materials may be reproduced for educational, non-commercial purposes only.
Please contact us at stempre@hawaii.edu to request teacher answer keys for this kit.
- Complete lesson plans (without teacher answer keys; 2.7 MB PDF)
- Resources:
- PowerPoint: Marine Mystery – Intro talk – NARRATED (11 MB)
- PowerPoint: Marine Mystery – Intro talk – NON-NARRATED (8 MB)
- Video: Aquarium Murder Mystery: MAC (10 MB .mov)
- Video: Aquarium Murder Mystery: PC (83 MB .avi)
Having problems? Contact stempre@hawaii.edu.