Hardware Science

EDP Professional Development Session

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HIDOE-CTE and Hardware Science EDP Professional Development Session Feedback
I learned something new about engineering and how the Engineering Design Process applies to and benefits all students.
I applied and understand how the science and engineering concepts are integrated with the Hardware Science Rocket Design Challenge.
The structured engineering notebook is a valuable learning tool that helped me understand and apply the Engineering Design Process.
I plan to teach an EDP lesson and use the engineering notebook with my students this year.
On the Engineering Design Process, my training expectations were met.
How effective was the Hardware Rocket Design Challenge in helping you understand and apply the engineering design process? Please provide comments.
How well does the Hardware Science Rocket Launcher kit (as a hands on supplement to the Engineering Notebook) meet your needs in teaching the Engineering Design Process (EDP)?
How interested are you in learning about other Hardware Science project kits to teach STEM concepts in your classroom?