Hydroponics Project – Pacing and Outline Documents – Research, System Design, and Community Impact – Quarters 1 and 2
Randall Shinn – Hydroponics Project SY21-22 – Pacing and Outline Documents – Research, System Design, and Community Impact – Quarter 1
Schedule and Content Knowledge
Phase 1: Background Information
- Plant Basics Review
- Photosynthesis
Phase 2: Background Information
- What is Hydroponics?
- The Kratky Method “Non-circulating Hydroponics Method”
Phase 3: Seed Germination
- Data Collection
Phase 4: Hydroponic Project
Phase 5: Meet the Expert
- Performance Expectations
- Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs)
- Crosscutting Concepts (CCCs)
- Instructional Ideas
Randall Shinn – Hydroponics Project SY21-22 – Pacing and Outline Documents – Research, System Design, and Community Impact – Quarter 2
Phase 1: Introductions
Phase 2: Empathy and Ask Steps
Phase 3: Imagine Step
Phase 4: Plan Step
Phase 5: Create Step
Phase 6: Improve Step