C-MORE Science Kits offer lesson plans and materials for hands-on science activities in a self-contained format. They are designed for use with a range of grade levels. Each kit provides the information and supplies necessary for educators to teach their students about a particular topic in oceanography. These easy to use kits are a great resource for any classroom.
Explore the Kits
Contact Information: Hawai‘i
C-MORE Kit Information and Support
STEM Pre-Academy
O‘ahu Hosts
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
Lauren Kaupp - kaupp@hawaii.eduStevenson Middle School
Julia Segawa - julia.segawa@k12.hi.usWaipahu Intermediate School
Deborah Clevenger - deborah.clevenger@k12.hi.us
Kaua‘i Host
Kaua‘i High School
Sarah Waterman - sarah.waterman@k12.hi.us
Maui Host
Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale
National Marine Sanctuary
726 S. Kīhei Road, Kīhei
Patty Miller - patty.miller@noaa.gov
Hawai‘i Island Hosts
Kona - Hawai‘i Technology Academy
Megan Learned - mlearned@myhta.orgHilo - Mokupāpapa Discovery Center
Justin Umholtz - Justin.Umholtz@noaa.gov
Contact Information: California
California C-MORE Kit users: Please note that you can now check out C-MORE Kits directly from the Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History.
Also, please note that California kits must be picked up and returned by teachers at the Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History in Pacific Grove, California. (See a map!)
Pacific Grove, California - Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History
Information and Request Page: