C-MORE Science Kits
Contact Information
C-MORE Science Kits offer lesson plans and materials for hands-on science activities in a self-contained format. They are designed for use with a range of grade levels. Each kit provides the information and supplies necessary for educators to teach their students about a particular topic in oceanography. These easy to use kits are a great resource for any classroom.
Along with taking over the management and lending of the kits, we are aiming to further the work that C-MORE has started with new kit development work in the future! If you are interested in joining the development effort, please let us know at stempre@hawaii.edu.
Explore the Kits
Contact Information: Hawai‘i
STEM Pre-Academy
Lauren Kaupp, Director
STEM Pre-Academy
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
Lauren Kaupp - kaupp@hawaii.edu
Stevenson Middle School
Julia Segawa - julia.segawa@k12.hi.us
Waipahu Intermediate School
Deborah Clevenger - deborah.clevenger@k12.hi.us
Kaua‘i High School
Sarah Waterman - sarah.waterman@k12.hi.us
Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale
National Marine Sanctuary
726 S. Kīhei Road, Kīhei
Patty Miller - patty.miller@noaa.gov
Hawai‘i Island
Kona - West Hawai‘i Explorations Academy (WHEA)
Sylvia Texeria - texeira@whea.net
Hilo - Mokupāpapa Discovery Center
Justin Umholtz - Justin.Umholtz@noaa.gov