Think As An Entrepreneur
Faculty Sponsor
Dr. Edgar Harrell

Dr. Harrell has more than 40 years of experience in entrepreneurial training, technology commercialization, investment, and capital market development. He has a B.S. in Chemistry from Dickinson College, a Ph.D. in Economics from Columbia University, and is a graduate of Harvard Business School’s Advanced Management Program. Dr. Harrell is currently an Entrepreneur in Residence at the Harrisburg University of Science and Technology.

Focused on talented teachers and their talented students.
In February and March, 2018, STEM Pre-Academy held two special workshops on innovation and entrepreneurship for middle school students and teachers at the Manoa Innovation Center. The Think as an Entrepreneur workshops aimed to show participants how an entrepreneurial mindset can propel them toward finding resources and developing their ideas in any subject area.
The workshops focused on the identification of a product, service, or goal that is aligned with the passions and interests of the individual participant—student or teacher. With the problem identified and the goals clearly stated, a simple pitch is created and refined with a keen eye on audience and intent.
For the teachers involved in the workshop, those goals were multi-disciplinary and often focused on student outcomes and professional development.
By experiencing the process through which opportunities are identified and a pitch is developed, the teachers had a better understanding of how to bring the process to their students.
For the students, their own science fair projects were the focus.
The workshop gave the students tools to better identify their own passions, develop compelling ideas that solved particular problems, and perhaps most importantly, to effectively communicate their ideas to their peers, teachers, judges, or investors.

The Workshop Videos are Available!
Want to learn more - see how it all went down? We have posted videos of the workshop!
In Module 1, Dr. Harrell defines entrepreneur and innovation using examples from his own, illustrious career.
Module 2 introduces you to the students (and teachers) that participated in the workshop. Each student shares their interests as well as the project they are working on - and for which they will craft their pitch.