Grade Level: 05
Performance Task Creator with Clarifications
Preliminary Understanding by Design unit planning template connecting the summative performance task based on an engineering design challenge with performance standards, transferrable skills, and real-world…
Understanding by Design STEM Unit Plan Template with Clarifications
STEM-EDP Unit plan template following the three stages of Understanding by Design (UBD) deconstructing the three dimensions of the NGSS and focused on a real-world…
Teacher Guide – Scientific Investigation and Engineering Design Infographics
Infographic connecting expected student performances and teacher guidance with scientific investigations that utilize the engineering design process.
EDP-NGSS Connections and Deconstruction
EDP Phase II Session #3: February 9, 2019 (Year 1)
Project Based Learning and EDP
Y2 EDP Phase II Session #2: Shift your thinking with project-based learning and applying the Engineering Design Process (EDP) to create meaningful, real-world experiences for…
EDP Presentation – In the Art Room – Drawing Like an Engineer!
Designing a Sail and Logo – 2nd Grade Students will use Duplo blocks, focusing on the shapes and adding labels. They will also use other…