Documents and Videos

Randall Shinn – Hydroponics Project SY21-22 – Pacing and Outline Documents – Research, System Design, and Community Impact – Quarter 1

Schedule and Content Knowledge

Phase 1: Background Information

  • Plant Basics Review
  • Photosynthesis

Phase 2: Background Information

  • What is Hydroponics?
  • The Kratky Method “Non-circulating Hydroponics Method”

Phase 3: Seed Germination

  • Data Collection

Phase 4: Hydroponic Project

Phase 5: Meet the Expert


  • Performance Expectations
  • Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs)
  • Crosscutting Concepts (CCCs)
  • Instructional Ideas
Randall Shinn – Hydroponics Project SY21-22 – Pacing and Outline Documents – Research, System Design, and Community Impact – Quarter 2

Phase 1: Introductions

Phase 2: Empathy and Ask Steps

Phase 3: Imagine Step

Phase 4: Plan Step

Phase 5: Create Step

Phase 6: Improve Step

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Hydroponic Germination Grow Out Worksheet

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Let’s Get Excited About Your Hydroponics Project with Deborah Higa

Deborah Higa, Mechanical Engineering student with the College of Engineering at UHM, and Engineering Intern with STEM Pre-Academy led a virtual conversation with students in Randall Shinn’s Advisory STEM class at Ilima Intermediate School. Deb spoke to the students about the Engineering Design Process and how to stay customer focused. Deb touched on the importance of research, brainstorming, and understanding your customer’s requirements to develop the best, most sound solutions.

Watch the Video and Download the Presentation

Let’s Get Excited About Hydroponics with Jensen Uyeda

Jensen Uyeda, Extension and Outreach Associate at the University of Hawaii’s College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR), gave an excellent presentation on hydroponics to students in Randall Shinn’s Advisory class at Ilima Intermediate School. Jensen’s presentation, Hydroculture in Hawai‘i, gave students a look at different types of hydroponic systems, nutrient management, and a run-down of some of the most common hydroponically grown crops in Hawai‘i. The presentation was followed up with an excellent question and answer session on the STEM Pre-Academy website!

Watch the Video and Download the Presentation

Engineering Sketching and Design with Alden Fernandez

Alden Fernandez, Mechanical Engineering student with the College of Engineering at UHM, and Engineering Intern with STEM Pre-Academy leads a presentation on engineering sketching and design for students in Randall Shinn’s Advisory class at Ilima Intermediate School. Alden’s presentation introduced students to the importance of sketching in the Engineering Design Process, and how sketching can help communicate to your customer and your team.

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Engineering Sketching and Design Activity with Davin Sasaki

Following Alden’s presentation, STEM Pre-Academy’s Davin Sasaki led students in sketching activity that had them visualize and sketch a mobile hydroponics cart in different views.

Watch the Video

Innovative Interdisciplinary Activities Presented by: Audrey Oh

Audrey Oh, Washington Middle alumna and STEAMER high school intern presented the project to the Kupa’a and Po‘okela team teachers to build school-wide support for the project.

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(For editable versions of these files, please contact us!)