Roller Coaster EDP Activity

Roller Coaster EDP Project Student worksheet – calculating_average_speed (GR6 Kekina Heʻeia ES) Roller Coaster EDP Unit Plan (GR6 Kekina – Heʻeia ES) Roller Coaster EDP…

Aquaponics and Hydroponics EDP Activity

EDP Activity to learn about plant growth, design and build an aquaponic, hydroponic, living wall system to scale. Aquaponics-Hydroponics Engineering Notebook (GR7-8 Donlon King Intermediate)…

Hydroponics EDP Activity

EDP Activity to learn about Hydroponics where students design, build, and improve on a hydroponics system to grow food. Y2-3 GR5 Hydroponics EDP Unit Plan…

EDP Hand Pollinator Activity

An EDP Activity to learn about bees, pollination, and students design a Hand Pollinator. Hand Pollinator Engineering Notebook (GR2 Asato and Hironaka – Kahaluʻu ES)…

Literature Based EDP Activity

An engaging and grade-level appropriate engineering notebook that is centered on stories to help 2nd graders focus on problems/challenges in the literature and designing challenges…

Solar Oven EDP Activity

EDP Activity to learn about Solar Ovens where students design, create, and improve a solar oven and do a presentation about their solar oven. Solar…

Whirligig Activity

An engineering design activity that introduces the Aerodynamic concepts (lift, drag, and gravity) for students to apply in the design and creation of a whirligig…