Document Resources

These free resources have been collected from a variety of sources including STEM Pre-Academy staff, Hawai‘i middle school teachers, the Hawai‘i State Department of Education, among others. Additionally, many of these document resources have associated toolkit items available, please click here to visit the Toolkits for Teachers page for more information.

ABC Math Book

This culminating math activity enables students to create and design their own ABC math book. This book is made up of Math vocabulary words of their own choice along with student created definitions and examples. The students use FabLab and Microsoft Word software to design shapes which are then cut out using the Silhouette cutter.

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Action-Reaction Engineering Design

Gain background information for a Rube Goldberg style engineering design challenge.

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Aquaponics and Hydroponics EDP Activity

EDP Activity to learn about plant growth, design and build an aquaponic, hydroponic, living wall system to scale.

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Aquaponics Lesson

This lesson plan includes objectives, standards, procedures, and assessment strategies to support students with a multi-day aquaponics project.

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Artificial Intelligence for Educators

STEM Pre-Academy is delighted to present the Coffee Time Session: Artificial Intelligence for Educators to K-16 educators. This session presents insights into AI, including ways AI can enhance teaching and learning. We discuss existing risks as well as emerging implications in this uncharted territory of computer technology and education.

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Chemistry: pH, Endothermic and Exothermic Processes

This lesson includes videos and investigations with sensors to explore chemistry concepts, including pH, endothermic process, and exothermic process.

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Cloning Webquest

Learn the basics of cloning, including processes, myths, risks and more.

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Composite Airplane Activity

An Engineering Design activity based on constructing and testing folded airplanes made from combined common household materials to model composite materials. A high-level adaptation of the plain paper airplane.

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Coral Bleaching Kit – Hawai‘i Institute of Marine Biology

The Coral Bleaching Kit seeks to bring a tangible visualization of coral bleaching and will give students a better understanding on how ocean warming events and other stressors affect the health of corals, and that of those which do not experience bleaching.

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Depth of Knowledge Levels Chart

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Design a Game Using Makey Makey and Scratch

Use the engineering design process to create a game with Makey Makey and Scratch.

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Design and Create a Pop-Up-Card EDP Activity

EDP Activity to Design and Create a Pop-Up-Card

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Dew Point Experiment

Use sensors to collect data for Dew Point temperatures in different environments.

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DNA Connection

This lesson engages students with detective-style games teach basic DNA concepts. Student worksheet guides activity.

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DNA Modeling, Structures, and Functions

This DNA Modeling lesson includes worksheets and lesson plan to help students construct a model of DNA, identify structures, and describe functions.

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DNA Structure Lab

This lab includes a hands-on activity to learn about DNA structures. The student worksheet includes procedures for making a model of a DNA molecule using beads, prompts to unpack prior knowledge, and a fun puzzle to uncrack the code of DNA.

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Earth Week and Beyond: Earth Science Lesson Collection

This in-depth collection of lessons, vocabulary, and resources can be used for Earth Week or to support Earth Science activities throughout the year.

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EDP Engineering Notebook – Gravity Car Racers

Who can build the fastest car no longer than 8.5” and no wider than 5.5” to compete in the gravity racer challenge?

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EDP Engineering Notebook – Natural Disasters – Earthquakes

When an earthquake occurs, many buildings are not structurally sound and get destroyed.

Students will be design engineers, having to design and build a structure and then test the strength of their tower that can best withstand a simulated earthquake force.

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EDP Engineering Notebook – Natural Disasters – High Wind

When high winds occur, many buildings that are not structurally sound get destroyed. Students will be design engineers, having to design and build a structure for the three little pigs. They will then test the strength of the house they created.

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EDP Engineering Notebook – Natural Disasters – Three Little Pigs

The Three Little Pigs Engineering Design Challenge asks grade 3 students to design and build a house that can withstand a wolf trying to blow it down.

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EDP Framework Learning Progression Across K-8

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EDP Hand Pollinator Activity

An EDP Activity to learn about bees, pollination, and students design a Hand Pollinator.

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EDP Lesson – Natural Disasters – Earthquakes

When an earthquake occurs, many buildings are not structurally sound and get destroyed.

Students will be design engineers, having to design and build a structure and then test the strength of their tower that can best withstand a simulated earthquake force.

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EDP Lesson – Natural Disasters – High Wind

When high winds occur, many buildings that are not structurally sound get destroyed.

Students will be design engineers, having to design and build a structure for the three little pigs. They will then test the strength of the house they created.

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EDP Lesson – Natural Disasters – Hurricanes

When a hurricane occurs, many buildings are not structurally sound and get destroyed. Students will design and build a 14 inch structure that is at least 8 inches off the ground that can withstand a simulated hurricane.

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EDP Presentation – In the Art Room – Drawing Like an Engineer!

Engineering Design Process Art activities to get 2nd through 6th grade students started thinking and drawing like engineers!

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EDP Process Aligned with Engineering Standards

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EDP Unit Plan – Designing a Water Filter

How can we use our knowledge of how different filter materials work, our creativity, and EDP to design and improve a water filter that cleans contaminated mystery water?

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EDP Unit Plan – Egg Drop

This unit asks students “How can we use the engineering process to protect Native bird species from extinction?”

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EDP Unit Plan – Gravity Car Racers

Who can build the fastest car no longer than 8.5” and no wider than 5.5” to compete in the gravity racer challenge?

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EDP Unit Plan – Natural Disasters

Students will be working on four components related to natural disasters through four separate lessons (wind, high wind, earthquakes, and hurricanes) that involve them learning about the natural process of what the earth and humans go through naturally.

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EDP Unit Plan Rubric – Egg Drop

This unit asks students “How can we use the engineering process to protect Native bird species from extinction?”

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EDP Unit Planning Reflection Questions

Y2 EDP Phase II Session #3: Reviewing the expectations (checklists and reflective questions) for the integrated unit plan focused on engineering design challenges.

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EDP-NGSS Connections and Deconstruction

EDP Phase II Session #3: February 9, 2019 (Year 1)

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Egg Drop The Sunny Side-Up Landing Mission

This Engineering Design Process Challenge asks students to design an Egg Drop to simulate a Mars landing. Criteria include safe landing, closeness to drop zone, and hang time.

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Electromagnetic Spectrum and the Chemical Composition of Stars

Learn how to identify the chemical composition of stars using the spectralines of their light. This activity includes background and a worksheet to to help students use the unique emission/absorption patterns of elements to identify the chemical composition of stars.

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Energy and Sustainability at Home

This multi-day lesson helps students understand how electrical energy is made and how important it is for us to conserve energy. The students will also be able to identify renewable and non renewable energy and make wise decisions in the consumption of energy in their homes.

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Engineer a Bird Beak: Our Endemic Hawaiian Birds

Use the Engineering Design Process to design an endemic bird beak model.

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Engineering Design Process – Video Game Controller Design

Use Engineering Design Process to design an ergonomic video game controller.

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Everyday Energy Consumption

Bring the reality of energy consumption to your students by having them measure and calculate the cost of using energy to power things they use everyday. How much does it cost to charge your phone? Run a fan? Why is energy conservation important?

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FabLab and Silhouette: Exploring Math and Cylindrical Design

This in-depth lesson includes a variety of resources to help students create a cylindrical design using FabLab Model Maker and Silhouette Cutter. Resources include, pre/post-test assessment, design criteria, Keynote presentations, videos, and student worksheets.

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FabLab and Silhouette: Step-By-Step Instructions for Advanced Print and Cut

Step-by-step instructions to "Print and Cut" a FabLab Model Maker design on Silhouette Cutter.

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FabLab and Silhouette: Step-By-Step Instructions for Basic Cutting

This step-by-step instructional resources shows how to cut a FabLab Model Maker design using a Silhouette Cutter.

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FabLab Lesson Collection: Using Math to Design Packaging and Structures

This collection includes lessons that use FabLab Model Maker software to explore math concepts by designing packaging and structures. Each design can be fabricated using paper to create a 3D model.

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FabLab Lesson Collection: Using Math to Explore Surface Area, Volume, and Geometry

This in-depth lesson collection focuses on using FabLab Model Maker to explore a variety of math concepts.

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Generating and Measuring Earthquake Epicenters and Magnitudes

Learn how to map earthquakes using geophones and sensitive recording instruments.

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Geometry Jeopardy: Review Polygons, Triangles, and Quadrilaterals

Engage in a Jeopardy style game to review 2D geometry concepts.

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Geometry with FabLab Model Maker

This instructional resource include introductory lesson ideas that use FabLab ModelMaker software to review the geometry concepts and formulas for perimeter, area, surface area, and volume of common figures (e.g. triangles, rectangles, circles, trapezoids) and various prisms.

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GMO Soybean Experiment

This in-depth unit uses soybeans to explore issues related to GMO agriculture practices.

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Hawaii’s Endemic Birds: Keauhou Bird Conservation Center (KBCC) Discovery Forest Bundle

This in-depth lesson collection includes everything a teacher needs to help students learn about endemic birds of Hawaii. It can be used on its own or in conjunction with the "Engineer a Bird Beak: Our Endemic Hawaiian Birds" lesson that uses the Engineering Design Process to design a model of an endemic bird beak.

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Heavy Metal Testing Tutorial

This step-by-step instructional resource includes how to use PASCO Sensors and SparkVue app to test for heavy metals. Instructions include materials needed, setup, and data collection.

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Hovercraft Engineering Design Challenge

This in-depth lesson includes everything a teacher needs to facilitate an engineering challenge for students to design a hovercraft with household items.

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How Does Temperature Affect Respiration Rates of Fish?

This experiment helps students see the effect of temperature on fish respiration rates. It can be expanded to show the relationship between temperature, dissolve oxigen and respiration rate. Instructional materials include student worksheet and photographs of student investigations.

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How To Create a Pie Chart

Create pie chart graphs using a simple online tool with this fun M&M sorting activity.

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Humidity Testing Tutorial

This step-by-step instructional resource includes procedures for testing humidity using PASCO sensors and SparkVue app. Instructions include video resources, materials needed, setup, and data collection. Background on dew point, absolute humidity, and relative humidity are also provided.

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Hydroponics EDP Activity

EDP Activity to learn about Hydroponics where students design, build, and improve on a hydroponics system to grow food.

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Hydroponics for Social Studies – Multidisciplinary Research and Activities with Autumn Pemble

How can hydroponics benefit our community? Students will independently conduct research, utilizing at least three sources to answer the driving question. Students will show understanding of the research process by creating supporting questions while synthesizing information from reliable sources.

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Hydroponics Project – Pacing and Outline Documents – Research, System Design, and Community Impact – Quarters 1 and 2

Randall Shinn – Hydroponics Project SY21-22 – Pacing and Outline Documents – Research, System Design, and Community Impact – Quarters 1 and 2

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IEEE Infographic – Engineering Careers

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Introduction to Ecology Unit

This in-depth seven-day unit provides a place-based introduction to ecology concepts, including local environmental issues, uses of GPS/GIS, native species, pioneer species, tree classification, human impacts on the environment, and more.

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Kukui Nut Oil and Modern Fuel Sources Lab

This lab explores how ancient Polynesian techniques (kukui nuts and kukui oil) compare with modern fuel sources. Background is provided on how ancient Polynesians used kukui nuts as a light source, a waterproof oil, and a measure of time.

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Let’s Get Excited About Hydroponics with Jensen Uyeda

Jensen Uyeda, Extension and Outreach Associate at the University of Hawaii’s College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR), gave an excellent presentation on hydroponics to students in Randall Shinn’s Advisory class at Ilima Intermediate School. Jensen’s presentation, Hydroculture in Hawai‘i, gave students a look at different types of hydroponic systems, nutrient management, and a run-down of some of the most common hydroponically grown crops in Hawai‘i.

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Let’s Get Excited About Your Hydroponics Project with Deborah Higa

Deborah Higa, Mechanical Engineering student with the College of Engineering at UHM, and Engineering Intern with STEM Pre-Academy led a virtual conversation with students in Randall Shinn’s Advisory STEM class at Ilima Intermediate School.

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Literature Based EDP Activity

An engaging and grade-level appropriate engineering notebook that is centered on stories to help 2nd graders focus on problems/challenges in the literature and designing challenges using the EDP. Also included is the Notebook and STEM Plan.

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Ozobot Engineering Design Challenge

This instructional resource guides students through using the engineering design process to design a path for an Ozobot to travel. Specifications and criteria are provided to help challenge the students.

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Papaya DNA Extraction

This instructional resource includes step-by-step protocol for teacher preparation of materials and student instructions for extracting DNA from papaya seeds. Images are included to illustrate process.

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Paradigm Shifts and NGSS 3D Learning-Teaching

Y2 EDP Phase II Session #1: Paradigm shifts with NGSS and 3-dimensional learning/teaching, and integrated approaches impacting planning, teaching, and assessment.

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Paradigm Shifts in K-12 Education

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Performance Task Creator – GR2 – Solar Oven Challenge

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Performance Task Creator with Clarifications

Preliminary Understanding by Design unit planning template connecting the summative performance task based on an engineering design challenge with performance standards, transferrable skills, and real-world roles, audience, and products.

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Photosynthesis Unit

This in-depth lesson collection is NGSS-aligned and part of a larger unit focused on Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems. Students are introduced to photosynthesis through a phenomena, demonstrations and investigations.

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Ping Pong Bowling Engineering Design Challenge

This instructional resource provides an overview for a Ping-Pong Bowling activity. Students are asked to design a ball thruster for a ping pong bowling game that will fit a variety of provided specifications.

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Planet Tour Research and Design Project

Students are challenged to create a tour of a planet. Skills include creating a map of the tour, writing a script, and coding an Ozobot to take the guests on a “virtual tour”.

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Planetary Vacation: Multimedia Research Presentation Project

Research planet characteristics and create a planetary vacation destination presentation.

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Project Based Learning and EDP

Y2 EDP Phase II Session #2: Shift your thinking with project-based learning and applying the Engineering Design Process (EDP) to create meaningful, real-world experiences for students at multiple grade levels.

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Research, Mentorship, and Resiliency in Project-Based Learning

Hear stories and practical examples of how mentorship, failure, and resilience enhance paths towards success for every student. Learn how student skills developed through PBL and design projects contribute importantly to personal and academic growth.

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Roller Coaster EDP Activity

Roller Coaster EDP Activity

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Roof Design Challenge Activity 1

A design challenge activity to design and build a roof that will not leak when exposed to simulated rain. The phenomena students explore is how the water cycle impacts man-made structures in natural environments.

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Roof Design Challenge Activity 2

This activity is a follow-up to the Roof Design Challenge Activity 1. Students continue to use the Engineering Design Process (EDP) to design and build a roof including a solar water heater panel that will not leak when exposed to simulated rain.

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Save Seeds, Save Our Future – Seed Saving – Background

Save Seeds, Save Our Future was made possible by the Governor's Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund as part of the STEAM Entrepreneurship and Research Network (STEAMER) Project at Washington Middle School, highlighting the passion and stewardship of Hawai‘i's student leaders.

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Save Seeds, Save Our Future – Seed Saving – Techniques

Save Seeds, Save Our Future was made possible by the Governor's Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund as part of the STEAM Entrepreneurship and Research Network (STEAMER) Project at Washington Middle School, highlighting the passion and stewardship of Hawai‘i's student leaders.

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Save Seeds, Save Our Future – Timothy-John “Keoni” Lorenzo’s Seed Story

Rooted in Hawaiian culture and practice, Keoni’s seed story is an outgrowth of his family and ancestry. His love for Hawaiian plants and the environment was passed down from his tutu, a kahuna la‘au lapa‘au, to his father, and ultimately to him.

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Save Seeds, Save Our Future – Timothy-John “Keoni” Lorenzo’s Closing Remarks

Timothy-John “Keoni” Lorenzo quotes a Hawaiian proverb, “Pua nā kupu I ke kumu.” “The seeds flourish because of the trees.” He points to the allegory of trees to teachers and seeds to students, as parts of a single life cycle, in which the role of each is not only significant, but indispensable and commutable: The teacher becomes the student, the student becomes the teacher.

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Save Seeds, Save Our Future – Tyler Levine’s Closing Remarks

Presenter Tyler Levine offers inspiring closing remarks to the Save Seeds, Save our Future workshop. She entreats teachers to take action, as keepers of the keys to our future: “…help us turn our passion and interest into action through the metaphor and the message of the seed, the tiny package full of potential.” In so doing, she leads us not only to the end of a workshop, but to the beginning of a way forward.

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Save Seeds, Save Our Future – Tyler Levine’s Seed Story

Tyler Levine’s seed story begins with her recognition of similarities between the proliferation and growth of seeds and her personal growth in a sometimes fragmented world. Beginning with a 6th grade sustainability project, Tyler goes from feeling safe only under a canopy of leaves to becoming a dynamic sustainability champion, and learns to embrace the agency she has discovered in cultivating and saving seeds.

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Save Seeds, Save Our Future – Yinan Wang’s Seed Story

Yinan Wang moved to Hawai‘i from Shanghai in 6th grade; in 8th grade, she joined the Washington Middle School Science Club, and her seed story began.

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Seed Saving Activity with Tomatoes

Saving seeds from a tomato is a fun way to dip your feet into the ocean of seed processing, cleaning, initial drying, and storage.

Part 1 of the activity covers processing the seeds. Part 2 covers seed drying and storage.

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Separations of Mixtures Lab

Set up as eight activity stations, this series of lab investigations helps students to discover and separate mixtures using a variety of techniques. Specimens include dirty water, filtered water, distilled water, tap water, pen ink, ocean water, aquarium water, sand, soil, and salt.

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Solar Oven EDP Activity

EDP Activity to learn about Solar Ovens where students design, create and improve a solar oven and do a presentation about their solar oven.

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Solar System Introduction and Research Project

This activity helps students learn about planets through research and presentation skills. Student use a worksheet to guide their research about characteristics of a planet. Students use their research to develop a multimedia presentation persuade people to live on the planet.

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Strawberry DNA Extraction Experiment

This student worksheet guides students through the Strawberry DNA Extraction experiment. In this lab, students will observe the physical properties of DNA. Students will break open strawberry cells, prepare a filtered extract containing strawberry DNA, and separate out molecules of DNA in a test tube.

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Student Created Lab Safety Video Activity

This activity challenges students to plan and design a video that teaches lab safety. Student worksheet guides students through the process of brainstorming, writing a script and storyboard, apply digital media skills to film and edit the video, and reflect on how the video could be improved.

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Sustainability Initiative – School Level Report

This presentation resource reports on King Intermediate's Sustainability Initiative during one school year. It provides an overview of goals, lesson development, topics, activities, standards, and impacts. It features the He'eia watershed project and water quality studies.

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Teacher Guide – Scientific Investigation and Engineering Design Infographics

Infographic connecting expected student performances and teacher guidance with scientific investigations that utilize the engineering design process.

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Tsunamis and Water Quality

In this activity, students will develop and carry out an experiment to determine the impact of a tsunami on water quality, including how tsunami causes in the environment and affects the survival of organisms.

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Understanding by Design STEM Unit Plan Template with Clarifications

STEM-EDP Unit plan template following the three stages of Understanding by Design (UBD) deconstructing the three dimensions of the NGSS and focused on a real-world engineering design challenge.

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Vernier LabQuest Tutorial

This step-by-step tutorial includes how to use the Vernier LabQuest, which is a portable data-collection unit capable of collecting, analyzing, and recording data on various physical phenomena via corresponding sensors.

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Voicethread Projects

Student use Voicethreads to expalin different math concepts.

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Water Filtration Tutorial and Guide

This step-by-step tutorial explains how to use the water filtration system. Details include photographs for each step.

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Water Quality Challenge

This 5-week lesson uses problem-based learning strategies to explore local water quality and features an experiment that uses backpack filtration units to test for contaminants from golf course ponds. Lesson plan includes daily procedures, guiding questions, vocabulary, and content knowledge concepts.

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Water Quality Project – School Level Report

Get inspired with Dole Middle's water quality project at Kawainui Marsh.

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Water Quality Unit Plan

This lesson plan provides an overview of how students can explore water quality with the driving question: What property of the stream can be altered due to natural and man-made influences? The plan includes ideas for multi-day topics, discussion, investigation, and assessments.

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Watercraft Engineering Design Challenge

Design a boat that can hold the most pennies for at least 10 seconds before sinking.

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Watershed Engineering Design Challenge

This lesson includes a three day plan for a water cycle activity that uses the engineering design process and explores the driving question: To what extent can precipitation be effectively diverted (collected and used)?

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Watershed Water Quality Investigation

This in-depth lesson plan explores local watershed water quality through a hands-on investigation comparing samples from drinking water and a local stream. Instructional resource includes objectives, materials list, background on content, tips for advanced preparation, instructional facilitation procedures, data collection worksheet, and summative assessment questions.

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Watts Up?: Percentage Change of Appliance Electricity

This lesson explores appliance electricity energy usage. Students use an electricity meter to test different electronic devices to determine energy increase or decrease.

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Whirligig Activity

An engineering design activity that introduces the Aerodynamic concepts (lift, drag, and gravity) for students to apply in the design and creation of a whirligig to maximize the time of descent.

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